The Crash of Rhinos occurs around a group of mountains. The west side of the mountains face an ocean and the east side, a large plane with a city just before another mountain range. The Crash also occurs over a spans of time, starting with the "living Rhinos" followed by the era of the Domed Cities and the Mechanical Rhinos and ending with the exodus of the population to another solar system.

Five rhinos are spaced out over time in front of the left section of our scenic view. The environmental changes over time eventually cause all the rhinos to be extinct. The environmental changes also force the population to build domes over cities for protection from the environment and heavy solar activity. This is the period of the Domed Cities and the Mechanical Rhinos.

The mechanical rhinos come into service during dome construction. The different Mechanical Rhinos appear at different stages of construction of the different domes. Mechanical Rhino drawings are closer to the Domes with the mountains in the background. The last two Mechanical Rhino drawings gives a glimpse of the city across the plain. First in the reflection from the face-shield of a crew-member and then in the last drawing view is first person of you taking a snap shot of two Mechanical Rhinos posing in front of an observatory.

Mural Assembly

The Crash of Rhinos consists of Fifteen drawings. The medium is an acid free 100lb paper. I sometimes exclude a border when drawing. A border is always added to reproductions to the size of the art work area. Reproductions will all be the same size for general sales. Both Original and reproduction sizes are shown below.

All drawings digitized by Carr Imaging. Singed, Numbered Limited editions are reproduced by Carr Imaging.
Other general prints are available from AJ and Online Stores.