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Crimson Pyramid Rams

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The Mechanical Rhinos
I chose a new rhino pose to do the Crimson Pyramid Rams. The length of the torso gave me more room to make a team logo. So, I made a dual ram's head with pyramid for the logo. Since I wanted to match the two person team with the single Mech Rhino, I decided to add the second person during the background phase of the drawing.

The Background
Crimson is placed on the ridge on the right of the Green Dome and green houses. I wanted to show more of the greenhouses and the food production. I also did more of a Geo-dome appearance on the green dome. I added Clydesdale and bison on the green dome. The green houses got decorated with Mayan numbers and inscription as well as murals of the food inside.

The close up of the second person's helmet in the lower left corner provided me with the area to show what is off in the distance behind the drawing's viewer. There are four scorpions in the drawing along with a few rodents and normal amounts of rubbish and trash all over.